Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Can Social Security Survive the Aging of America?

Press Release
For more information, contact:
Dan Owens, President, National Active Retirement Association (NARA)
C (704)641-1469 * Toll Free (888)742-7362

Can Social Security Survive the Aging of America?
Noted Social Security Expert to Present the Facts
at the Oct. 20-22 NARA Retirement Conference

Charlotte, NC (September 21, 2010) – Can Social Security survive the Aging of America?

Few people understand all the facts. One of America’s foremost experts on the health and viability of the Social Security is Dr. Joe Gribbin, a faculty member of the Erickson School of Aging Masters’ Program at the University of Maryland. Gribbin will present his case at a speech Wed., Oct. 20 at the National Active Retirement Community (NARA) 11th Annual Business Conference in Columbia, SC. (

Dr. Gribbin has lectured extensively on global aging, retirement planning and the economic prospects for baby boomers, for older adults and for the nation as a whole. He is a leading expert on the nation’s entitlement programs and their impacts across generations.

Entitled the “Power Tools” NARA conference, this Oct. 20-22 event will bring together top national and international professionals involved in building for, marketing to and serving people aged 55+ at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center.

Prior to joining the Erickson School in 2005 and since 1987, Dr. Gribbin served as Associate Commissioner at the Social Security Administration. Earlier in his federal career, he held senior management and policy positions with 6 different departments of the executive branch as well as the US Senate.

At SSA, Dr. Gribbin oversaw the quality assurance and international programs for the Agency. As Associate Commissioner for International Programs, he successfully negotiated social security treaties (totalization agreements) with 7 nations including Japan and Mexico. He was elected by 39 nations to serve as Vice President of the Inter-American Social Security Conference and President of their Technical Commission on Administrative and Organizational Systems.

Dr. Gribbin holds a Masters Degree in Managerial Economics and a Ph.D. in Quantitative Economics from the Catholic University of America.

Professionals, academicians, real estate developers, marketers, salespeople, city/town representatives and other business professionals seeking to understand and capitalize on the unprecedented aging of America will attend the NARA Conference. NARA topics range from internet marketing to building and marketing 55+ housing to strategies to attract retirees to towns, regions and states. Speakers will also offer advice on how to successfully design, build and market 55+ housing, as well as market 55+ targeted products and services.

The Capital City/Lake Murray Country Regional Tourism Board is the host organization and a Diamond Level sponsor. Other sponsors include the Go Texan state retiree attraction program and the Erickson School of Aging at the University of Maryland. All NARA sessions will be held at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center.

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